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{CODICTS} MyListing Theme Menu Pro

The {CODICTS} MyListing Theme Menu Pro plugin allows you to displays any menu items added by the user from within the users front end dashboard to the their selected listing page.

First start by downloading the plugin from the downloads page on your dashboard on the CoDicts website.

After installing and activating the plugin, you will need to add “My Menu” as option to the WooCommerce User Menu within the MyListing Theme Dashboard.

Within the WP Backend head over to “Appearance” > “Menus” > and then select “WooCommerce Menu“, once selected scroll down to “WooCommerce endpoints” on the left and you will see a new option “My Menu” please add this to the menu and click “Save Menu

Next up, you’ll need to add the Menu Shortcode to the Listing Page.

Go to “Listing Types” > go to edit your selected a Listing Type > “Single Page” > “Content & Tabs” > add a “Shortcode” widget within your listing page layout to the tab you wish it to display the menu, copy and paste the shortcode below into the new shortcode block you added and then click update.


The shortcode can be used without attributes but for customizing results you can use the following:

id = The id of the listing you want a menu to display
menu_id = The id of the menu you want to display
col = number of columns to display
gap = the gap between columns in pixels
template = the template to use ( ‘grid’ or ‘list’ )
nav = Display a category navigation on the menu list
nav_sticky = Stick the category navigation on top (Experimental)

Example Usages:

[codicts-mylisting-menu-pro col="2" template="grid" gap="10px" nav="true" nav_sticky="false"]
[codicts-mylisting-menu-pro col="1" template="list" gap="10px" nav="true" nav_sticky="false"]